Friday, March 14, 2008

A look back in mild interest: Top Chef, Idol, Michael Haneke

The Tribune review for Funny Games came out this morning, and it was less than complimentary. Apparently, something is lost in the translation. This is kind of sad to me, since for most of the American audience that turns up at the theaters for this movie, it will be their first exposure to Michael Haneke's films. If it's not any good, it will also be their last, which is pretty unfortunate. So don't let that happen to you, occasional reader! This guy's movies are not exactly audience-friendly, but they're very good, and very thought provoking. I've had better conversations about them (usually trying to figure out what the point was) than about any other movie I can think of. If you think Funny Games is crap, check out Cache instead on DVD.

Cache = Hidden in French.

Another week, another contestant forcibly removed. Mercifully, David Hernandez did indeed get the boot, reaffirming my faith in America--for now. I fully expect America to completely blow it in the later rounds, and expose our collective consciousness to the stomach-turning tragedy of a David Archuleta solo album.

Are you watching Top Chef? You should be. It was already a good show, but now we get treated periodically to some awesome shots of Chicago. In the first episode the producers did a nice job of showing how beautiful the city is, and I hope that continues. Several of the contestants described Chicago as being a cutting edge dining city, so it's nice to see our restaurants get some props. Also, two of the contestants are from Chicago. One of them, Valerie something, grew up in Glenview and was a year older than me. I'm pretty sure I sang in choir with her, only back then she was just called Val (...something). And the other Chicagoan is Stephanie Izard, who opened Scylla in Wicker Park a few years ago, then sold it (I think it's closed now). If I remember correctly, the menu was heavily seafood-oriented, and I think the Trib gave her three stars. You should root for her.

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